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Tanzanian Film Wins U.S. Award

‘Dogo Masai’ a Tanzanian film directed by Timoth Conrad, a Tanzanian film director, Producer and writer, has won three awards at the California Viewers’ Choice Awards in the US. Two of those awards were in the Best Feature film category and Best Director category, while the third award went to the film’s lead actor Omary Clayton who won the award for Best Actor.

The movie, Dogo Masai looks at the struggles faced by a boy who after being deprived of his inheritance by his relatives, is thrown in the woods where a group of Masai people find him and raise him as their own. The voting process for the awards was conducted online where people got to vote in different categories. Dogo Masai received many votes hence its multiple victories. The recognition of the Tanzanian film comes at a time when our local movie industry is struggling to produce significant movies.

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