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Africa mourns Senegalese Master Drummer Doudou N’diaye Rose

Doudou N’diaye Rose, born Mamadou N’diaye, was a Senegalese modern master drummer and renowned exponent of the sabar –Senegal’s traditional drum uniquely played with one hand and one stick. N’diaye was the pulse, the “back bone” of the musical tradition of Senegal, and Africa.

One of the most celebrated musicians of Africa and a master of musical tradition, N’diaye dedicated his life to the art of drumming. He lived as a drummer, composer and bandleader of The Drummers of West Africa Orchestra, made up of his children and grandchildren –transferring his skills to members of his family and community. Known as the father of a musical dynasty, he is attributed to some of the most successful traditional musicians known to contemporary West Africa.

In the announcement of his death in Dakar (on August 19, 2015) at the age of 85, Senegal along with the world mourned the master drummer who was named a “living human treasure” by UNESCO.

Born in 1930 into Senegal’s griot lineage of musicians and storytellers, he inherited the secrets of the drum, learning to weave magical sounds of the rhythmic beats. His inheritance was fanned by his passion for drumming and traditional music, which started at the age of seven. Besides, providentially mentored by Senegal’s then drum major Mada Seck, N’diaye bequeathed the secrets of the rhythmic procedure, followed by, in due course, his master’s instruments.


More than just a musician, N’diaye was the sound and energies created by the drum; he was the heartbeat to the society he belonged to –a living heritage of both Senegal and African culture. Also, having performed with Josephine Baker in 1959; and, collaborated with Miles Davis, the Rolling Stones, and Peter Gabriel, he was known to have introduced traditional Senegalese music to the world. A world heritage, he was revered by the world over.

A treasure to African culture, N’diaye’s legacy and musical spirit will undoubtedly live on in the hearts and musical tradition of his people.

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