Too often our people look to the past thinking it is better than now
Thinking that the era of military dictatorships had no corruption,
That things were better in the past, that things worked,
There was no inflation in the idealised past.
Too often our people only look at the now in the struggle to survive,
To eat
To pay expensive school fees
To buy expensive medicine
To bury a relative
The future is a luxury they dare not invent as Sankara heeded them to do.
Some dare not indulge the future
Some have no time for the future
Yet others dream for a better life for their children as Cabral once said.
Our people must no longer live in the past but seek to control and determine the future for there is hope in the future that things can be different
To read more visit Pambazuka News.
Written by: Ama Biney4/3/2014