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Blow to Kenya’s Digital Migration As KBC, K24 Revert to Analogue Broadcasting

Barely two months after the start of Kenya’s move to digital broadcasting, two free to air (FTA) stations have switched back on their analogue signals.

It is alleged that the two broadcasters – K24 and national broadcaster, KBC – moved back to their analogue signals yesterday due to low uptake of set top boxes by viewers.

This also comes three days after the second phase of Digital Migration, meant to cover Mombasa Malindi, Nyeri, Meru, Kisumu, Webuye, Kakamega, Kisii, Nakuru, Eldoret, Nyahururu, Nyadundi, Machakos, Narok, Londiani and Rongai, on February 2, 2015 failed to take place. This only means that as a country we are back to the drawing board with the Digital Migration process leaving the consumer at a state of confusion.

CA had announced earlier that the process of Digital Migration would take place in three phases, the first being in Nairobi and its environs on 31st December 2014, the second phase was meant for February 2 and third phase for March 30.

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Article author: Lilian Mutegi

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