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Burkina Faso: In Drought-Stricken Burkina Faso, Farmers Get Creative

Drought-prone Burkina Faso finds ways to help those most vulnerable to climate extremes

Rural Burkina Faso is battling more frequent and ever-longer droughts. The dry season, which traditionally lasted from mid-February to June, is increasingly extending into July and August, delaying the start of much-needed rainfall for planting.

Crops frequently dry up or are attacked by insect pests, rendering most of the harvest useless.

Farmers in the country’s northern Passoré province are getting a helping hand through one-day “plant clinics”, which allow them to bring in damaged crops for a consultation.

The views of the above article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Africa Speaks 4 Africa or its editorial team.

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