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Buskaid Soweto String Ensemble

Buskaid, a charitable trust established for the benefit of young string players in Diepkloof, Soweto, was founded in 1992 by British Viola player Rosemary Nalden. A few years after, in 1997, the Buskaid Soweto String Project was established in what the founders say was in response to requests from the local Diepkloof community. Since, it is claimed that the music school has produced a string ensemble with a formidable reputation for high standards of performance and a sophisticated grasp of musical style; and currently, this after school project accommodates approximately 100 students ranging in age from four to thirty, all of whom are drawn from the less privileged local community.

According to Buskaid, though they admit students randomly, priority admission is granted based on their proximity to the Music School (those who live within walking distance) and whose parents are unemployed, or are in impoverished circumstances. Thus, in the course of cultivating exceptional musical talent, Buskaid’s mission is: “to give children from impoverished backgrounds in the townships of South Africa the opportunity to learn classical stringed instruments to the highest possible standards; and, encourage the most talented of these students to form their own professional orchestra, unique for its playing style and repertoire”.

Watch the video below to experience the exceptional musical talent presented by Buskaid.

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