
Despite Climate Change, Africa Can Feed Africa

47498-farm-workersThe impact of climate change is persistently seen and felt across the globe. As a result, change in rain patterns is said to be creating a major concern around food insecurity as crop yields and growing seasons decrease with a predicted worsening access to water.

Under such strenuous climate conditions, what will this mean to an African population projected to reach “2 billion in less than 37 years” and in 86 years, where “three out of every four people” are said to be African? How does an increasing population survive amidst decreasing crop yields and an already “fragile food production system?”

Richard Munang and Jessica Andrews, writing for Africa Renewal offer an optimistic perspective countering some of the doubtful forecasters. They presume, “The changing climate does not have to mean greater food insecurity in Africa. Many communities across the continent are already building resilience by stimulating their existing ecosystems and available natural resource bases. Building on such good practices, and properly managing the unavoidable effects of climate change, will unlock Africa’s potential to feed itself.”

More on this topic  here.

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