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‘Don’t Try to Make Me Feel Bad Because I Am Blue Black’ – Model Nykhor Paul

Sudanese model Nykhor Paul has posted a scathing criticism of make-up artists who fail to cater to dark-skinned models.

In a post to photo-sharing platform Instagram, she wrote: “Please don’t take this the wrong way but it’s time you people get your shit right when it comes to our complexion! Why do I have to bring my own makeup to a professional show when all the other white girls don’t have to do anything but show up wtf!”

Paul, who is known for her activism in trying to turn attention towards the conflict in the Sudan, added: “I’m tired of complaining about not getting book(ed) as a black model and I’m definitely super tired of apologizing for my blackness!!!!”

Racism on the runway is nothing new. In recent years, supermodels including Naomi Campbell and Iman have highlighted the lack of diversity in the fashion industry. The pair, who formed a “diversity coalition” with a former model agent Bethann Hardison in 2013, have named and shamed designers who consistently use one or no models of colour in their shows. Their list, included heavy-hitters like Marc Jacobs Calvin Klein and Donna Karan, and appeared to make an impact.

However, the challenge – if Paul’s post is anything to go by – goes beyond the designers, to every aspect of the fashion industry.

Read the full post here.

One comment
  1. Dan

    Nykhor: Blue Black…..My favorite skin color! Booyah! (fantastic) my dear Nykhor are extremely beautiful, breathtakingly​ so. How anyone with 1/2….Nay! 1/4 of a brain cannot or refuses to see that is beyond comprehension. Your smile, your brightly lit eyes, your o so magnificent body, the texture of your silky soft skin…. it’s obvious, the latter, eh? should have anyone​ falling all over themselves to have you represent them in any capacity! Ahhh, such is the world of nincompoops aka dolts aka mindless morons.

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