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First African Transformation Forum to Convene in Kigali

From March 14 to 15, 2016, the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), in partnership with the Government of Rwanda, will convene the first African Transformation Forumin Kigali, Rwanda.One of the goals of the forum is to facilitate knowledge sharing and peer learning across global and African luminaries from the public and private sectors.

The African Transformation Forum (ATF), to be held in Kigali, Rwanda, from March 14 to 15, will create a standing continental event—Africa’s only forum devoted solely to transformation strategies and implementation challenges.

ACET will convene friends and partners in government, business, civil society, and the donor community in a peer-to-peer exchange of ideas on transformation pathways and on the actions to secure them.

Additionally, the forum will help advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals that are most related to economic transformation, including inclusive growth, sustainable agriculture, and industrialization.

The Forum will also launch the Coalition for Transformation, a diverse network of experts and practitioners who will work together long after the conference comes to a close to develop policy and program ideas, share best practices, and drive policy implementation across the continent.

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