
Gender Equality is Not a Western Notion


When speaking of gender, in the African context, it is often equated to inequality. Patriarchal traditions are often said to be prevalent in most African settings while gender equal African societies are infrequently reported on.

Recently, we publicized the Awra Amba story, a living experience in gender-equal democracy in rural Ethiopia, and a model type to the societies on how to ‘re-think a beautiful world’.

In this issue, on the farther side of the Awra Amba experience, Godess Bvukutwa, a Zimbabwean women’s rights activist opines on how patriarchal practices are entrenched in most African settings, as apologists (including women) ‘insist that gender equality is a Western notion – copied and pasted into African settings – that will never work in an African set up’.

View the article on This is Africa.

Image Credits: Alfred Weidinger

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