REBIRTH of the new Africa we waited for so long is looming. The Africa that no longer entrusts its future in the hands of others but in own hands. Tanzania’s President John Pombe Magufuli is on record to pioneer this millennial achievement. This has been a “wanted” attitude in transforming Africa.
“Initially, funds for the construction of this road was expected to be provided by our development partners in futile. We realized that the project delayed because of the donor’s attached conditions. We reasoned, for a sovereign state which is accountable, development projects cannot be delayed by aid. In fact, a poor man’s capital is his strength,” said President Magufuli when inaugurating an eight lane road from Dar es Salaam to the Coast region.
It is the lack of this realization, that a poor man’s capital is his strength, that has made Africa become the only dependent continent on earth. Now, Tanzania’s President has answers for the future of Tanzania’s development trajectory, likely to influence others on the continent.
Most countries thought their development would proceed from the West’s tax payers. There is no miracle. Tax was the main source. Apart from tax sources, the West has been exploiting naivety of African countries to amass wealth which they return in a form of aid and loans. Awareness is growing.
*The views of the above article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Africa Speaks 4 Africa or its editorial team.