At the end of the Ice Age, the sea level was between 100 and 120 meters below its current level. So if you input -100 in the ‘from’ category, 10 in the ‘to’ category’ and select a speed of 5ms, you will see that what is now the UK was once connected with continental Europe, there little to none Baltic sea and that the Great Lakes in the USA were not as great as they eventually became.
Then I thought to make a different simulation. Input 0 in the ‘from’ category, input 80 in the ‘to’ category and keep a speed of 5ms and what you will see it that as the sea oceans rise the Europe, Siberia, Australia and the Americas will be literally eaten alive by the rising sea levels. A simple 10 meter increase is enough to eat half of Florida.
It is believed that if all the ice in Antarctica, Greenland and the mountain glaciers melted, the sea levels would increase by 70 meters.
There is only one continent which would be left untouched by such a massive rise. That’s Africa.
This is something that should not too easily be forgotten.
Because one day, instead of having to deal with migrations out of Africa, we may have to deal with migration into Africa.
To view sea level changes over time across the globe, go here.
Source: African Politics and Policy
*The views of the above article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Africa Speaks 4 Africa or its editorial team.