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Somali Children’s Magazine Launched in Sweden

Northern Europe’s first children’s magazine that caters to Somalis has been launched in Sweden.

The first issue was published last week, and the editor, Musa Isse, hopes that the initiative will lead to better integration and help children to build strong identities.

“We want to encourage their interest in reading and writing while strengthening their cultural identity,” Isse told Al Jazeera.

The title of the magazine, Carruurteenna, means “our children”. Copies will be available in libraries and schools, as well as in bookstores.

“We want the children to learn the Somali language. This will strengthen the communication bond between parents and children to reinforce relations across generations,” Isse added.

Somalis constitute one of the largest immigrant groups in Sweden, with up to 100,000 Somali speakers. Many of them fled the Somali civil war in the early 1990s.

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Photo Source: Al Jazeera

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