Ebola Crisis

Texting to Stop Ebola: African Telecoms Launch SMS Fundraiser

In the fight against Ebola, African telecoms are asking cell phone users to text to save lives. Partnering with the African Union Commission, 41 telecommunications companies across the continent have launched the “United Against Ebola” campaign, an SMS initiative that raises money from every user who texts “Stop Ebola” to 7979.

Rwanda is one of the latest countries to join the campaign, which began Dec. 1 and runs through February 2015. Service providers Airtel Rwanda, Tigo Rwanda, and MTN Rwanda announced their participation at a press conference last week, explaining that every “Stop Ebola” text sent in Rwanda will raise Rwf150, or about U.S. $0.22, for the cause.

“Mobile communication remains the most powerful communications tool providing reach to larger populations,” said Airtel Rwanda Managing Director Teddy Bhullar,according to East African Business Week. “The use of mobile phones for this campaign offers an opportunity to Rwandans to collectively support countries affected by this deadly disease as well as drive action beyond borders.”

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