
The SCOOP (Ep. 6) With Guest Eric Chinje

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Eric Chinje is the Director for Strategic Communications at the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, a position he took up at the start of 2012.  Prior to that he led the Global Media Program at the World Bank Institute (WBI) and, in that capacity, launched the IMAGE (Independent Media for Accountability, Governance and Empowerment) capacity building program and Network to create a corps of development journalists in the Bank’s client countries. He moved to the WBI from his position as External Affairs and Communications Manager in the Bank’s Africa Region and the institution’s spokesperson on Africa.

He returned to the World Bank in 2008 after four years at the African Development Bank in Tunis where he was head of that institution’s External Affairs and Communications Unit.  He is on the Board of the African Media Initiative (AMI), which he was instrumental in establishing, and is a Founding Co-Convenor of the African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF).

He is Vice President of the African Advisory Board of the National Museum of African Art of the prestigious Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. Mr. Chinje organized the first ever Africa Business Forum at the World Bank in 1998 and went on to work on the first Africa-Asia Business Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2002.

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