
Will East African Bands Live to See Tomorrow?

Sarabi Band is currently one of East Africa’s best bands, with a powerful stage energy that sets the audience spiritually free.

More than a dynamic musical band, Sarabi is family. If you were to look at old photographs of the band, it tells a profound story about a band that’s been together for a long time. One look and the viewer can estimate the years they’ve been working together, under the guidance of George, who is a father and manager to all of them.

So if a band is to say that they are family, I believe that this can be a great example. A model for other bands.

It’s actually sad to see when bands can’t work towards achieving mutual success or accepting to become a family, simply because they’re not signed to an “official” contract. It’s high time East African bands begin to work as a team. So, if you belong to a certain band, love it and think of excelling, take rehearsals seriously. And if you have a gig, show up on time and take your craft seriously. This business of being part of a “band” while band members act like they are forced to be part of it needs to stop.

If you are part of a band, act like you are, play to shine, but do not forget that teamwork is very important. Do not let your band members down; they’re a crucial part of your success.

Additionally, bands, you must trust that your music, talent and energy will take you places. Remain focused; believe that one-day the right opportunity will come your way. Do not be deceived; you do not need to lose yourself in order to meet your break through.

Be patient.

Author: Slim Emcee (UG) the poet.

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