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Zimbabwe: Music Pirates Killing us! Government Losing Revenue – Macheso

It breaks my heart that I have to struggle to create, fund the rehearsals, record, produce, master and produce the CDs so that some thief just takes my work and puts it out there for a dime. FIRSTLY, I would like to apologise to our fans, our bosses who have been misled by these criminals, makororo, who take other people’s material, steal our images and names to give a wrong picture, to deceive you our paymasters.

Fake album sold by pirates

I am not quite sure whose music is on that fake disc, some of the songs sound like Chomudhara (Roderick) the other songs sound as if it is this young man Obvious Mutanhi.

Probably they are as shocked and dismayed as I am that their music somehow found its way onto a CD branded with my proposed album name and picture. It is these pirates that want to reap where they did not sow.

However, we can never get anywhere with this blame game, especially blaming each other as artistes. The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Music Rights Association (Zimura) and the artistes, ourselves, should come up with a position paper to lobby our ministry to push through changes to these laws. Both the buyer of pirated material and the seller should face stiff penalties. It should be scary to be found with a pirated CD.

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Article By Alick Macheso

Photo: The Herald

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